Saturday, May 23, 2009

Blog of Oh Crap What Should I Blog About How About Things On My Desk Here

  • Okay here so let's see it looks like there's some post it notes. That's pretty great, huh? Post-it notes. Another great example of an invention by someone who wasn't looking for anything in particular. You never know when inspiration might strike, is the point. Like, for instance, right now, looking over my desk, suddenly inspiration may strike me...but it has not.
  • Monitor, monitor, monitor. Minotaur! Half-bull, half-man. Just like a monitor is half screen, half back-of-screen. So many connections. So many possibilities. If anyone has any feedback about this blog, feel free to leave comments!
  • Lint brushes are the under appreciated workhorses of the white collar industry, when you think about it. They keep people with cats and/or dogs from appearing as if they own cats and/or dogs. What would do without lint brushes? Probably all get blue-collar jobs. Not that there's anything wrong with that. It's just that lint brushes are important is all.
  • What the hell is this? Jesus, that's weird. I think it's just a piece of paper, but it kind of looks like a bug? Not sure.
  • Scissors are really like humans, if you think about it. The cutting part of the scissors is like a person's legs, and the loop parts are like the torso. The bolt in the middle is kind of like a person's waist, because both serve as pivot points. If there were more parts to scissors I could continue this analogy farther.
  • Speakers. Without speakers, using computers would be purely a visual experience. Speakers add SOUND to that experience, making TWO total ways of experiencing the internet. Without speakers, what would the internet be like? Close your eyes and think about it. It's like that.
  • This can of empty Mountain Dew is like a calling card of sorts. You see, I started drinking Mountain Dew way before it was cool, when the only people who drank it were me & wind surfers & harcore skaters. Now everyone drinks it. This can is empty. I think I'll go recycle it. Sorry about this lame blog post.
  • Crap. I really shouldn't have cleaned my desk. Uhm....air? There's air on my desk? Air is important, right? Politicians should spend more time talking about air. No one is anti-air.

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