Sunday, March 1, 2009

The Matryoshka a Day Blog

Every day another Russian nesting doll, or Matryoshka, is used to encase the previous day's doll. At first the dolls will be painted according to holidays, both obscure and well known, but as time passes the dolls will become more and more plain. Then the artist will place found bumper stickers on the day's doll. Eventually, the artist will simply paint numbers on each increasingly large doll.

After 3 weeks, each day's doll will weigh more than 10 pounds. This does not seem impressive, but remember that these dolls are made of balsa wood, the lightest wood known to man.

Due to a bizarre fact of science the volume of the dolls will increase cubically, whereas the diameter of the dolls increase linearly. Such considerations will be left for another blog to consider.

After post 53, the posts will inexplicably stop. Several days later a news story will spread across the internet, as these things tend to do, that a 24 year old software designer from Hoboken was found crushed under many layers of balsa wood. will quickly point out that the whole thing was a hoax.

The funeral will be solemn, and as the software designer's mother delivers a plaintive elegy, her son's casket will be lowered into another, larger casket. We all know how this ends.

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