Wednesday, March 25, 2009

An Analogy for Blogging Every Day

  • Blogging is a lot like a computer monitor. Both of them are connected to the internet.
  • Blogging can be a warm glass of milk, or it can be a dinosaur bone found in the Utah desert in 1937. You decide.
  • A man with a blog is like a woman with a blog, but the chromosomes are different.
  • Blogging is what separates us from the chimpanzees.
  • Blogs are the lifeblood of the blogosphere.
  • A person who blogs is like the number 5, which is a number that constantly proclaims to all "I am here. I am bigger than 4, but less than 5.56. Love me."
  • A blog without a bicycle is like a fish without a man.
  • Take a newspaper, crumple it into a ball, and launch it into space. THAT is blogging.
  • Blogs are similar to newspapers in the way that Chewbacca is similar to Felix Unger.
  • A blog without readers is like a tree that falls in the forest but won't shut the hell up.
  • Tags on a blog post are feathers on the bird's wings. The bird is a blog. The bird's beak is the title of the post, and the bird's talons are the blog's claws.
  • A blog is a suitcase that anyone can reach into, but only some people will find what they need.
  • Bloggers are like those brave ostriches who said to their compatriots: "HEY. I think there's something wrong with the ground we're standing on. I will stick my head down into this sand and investigate for the good of all ostriches everywhere."

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