Friday, April 17, 2009

Daily Blog, Trying Too Hard For A Book Deal

You know, I'm so glad I get these millions and millions of pageviews every day. It really shows that you all care, and would care enough to even buy something of mine. Well, that's all I've got for today. But tomorrow, they'll be more hard-hitting blogging.


This is what really matters you know, not the people saying what's important, but the people implying what's important, reading something on the net, spending time posting comments, that's what's important, that's the real meaning of life, and that's the future of publishing: taking PROVEN LITERARY MATERIAL and reposting it to paper. There is no reason anymore to take chances on UNPROVEN authors, or dying dinosaur authors of paper books. The future is blogs, you know? Printed blogs.


Hey guys, just practicing going from town to town, signing my name into book jackets. Been hanging out in book stores, talking to people. If I ever have a book come out, I will be fricking great at book signings. I've done it. It's nothing new to me now.


I love this blog. I love it. I just wish that it wasn't so ephemeral, you know? I want this blog in some sort of physical form. Not for me, mind you, but for you. I know you've read this blog faithfully, but will it still be here for your children to read? After a hundred years, will still be up, so people can read my old blog? I don't know. But I know you're worried about it. OH IF ONLY THERE WAS SOMETHING RANDOM HOUSE COULD DO TO CORRECT THIS.

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