Friday, June 5, 2009

Blog of Connections that Do Not Indicate a Conspiracy Theory

  • "Cheese" has exactly 6 letters. Woodrow Wilson sent exactly six letters on February 21st, 1913.
  • People from Baltimore sometimes pronounce "Baltimore" as "Ballmer." Steve Ballmer is CEO of Microsoft, a company which sells its Windows Operating System in many cities, including....Baltimore.
  • "La Cucaracha" is a song about a cockroach which cannot walk anymore. It starts with the word "la." In many songs, "la" is used to carry the melody, as in "la la la."
  • The Knights Templar was founded in 1119. If you reverse the numbers, you get 9111, which is a date very far in the future in which nothing has happened. Yet.
  • John F. Kennedy's initials were J.F.K. That's exactly 3 letters. C.I.A. also has 3 letters. The C.I.A. existed at the same time that Kennedy existed.
  • The speed of light in a vacuum is approximately 3 x 10^8 meters per second. The album Remain in Light, by the Talking Heads, has exactly 8 tracks, none of which are exactly 3 minutes long.

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